The Churchwardens play an important role in the life and management of the Church and stewardship of its property. They are required to be at least 18 years old, communicant members of the Church and regular worshippers in the Parish. They are expected to be mature Christians and exemplary in their conduct and are required to sign a Diocesan Declaration that they are ‘duly qualified for the office as prescribed in the Act and that they will faithfully perform the required duties'. They are
ex officio members of the Parish Council and are required to meet regularly and report to the meetings of the Council.
As part of the Anglican Diocese of Bendigo’s commitment to ensuring our parishes and churches are safe places for all members of the community, we ask that you sign the following agreement to acknowledge that you will uphold the duties and responsibilities of a Churchwarden and contribute to building a safe church environment by undertaking Safe Church training and supporting the implementation of safe church practices.